What does POS = POD x POC mean?
Read below to learn what each acronym means and how they play a part in the Search and Rescue planning.

Probability of Success (POS)
The Probability of Success is the likelihood that a search object will be found.
“A particular search depends on both the probability of the search object being in the area searched and the probability of detecting the search object if it is there. In other words, POS depends on both POC and POD.”
Source: The Theory of Search

Probability of Detection (POD)
The Probability of Detection is the likelihood of detecting or recognizing a search object. The probability of detection decreases with increasing distance from the search object.
SURVIVAL TIP: If your boat capsizes, stay with the hull and inflate your LifeCool. The bigger/brighter you are the easier it is to be seen by searchers!

Probability of Containment (POC)
Read below to learn what each acronym means and how they play a part in the Search and Rescue planning.